Friday, June 5, 2009

favorite friday: image of the day

this is my pick today because:
  • these are my men & they look sweet
  • this is a typical thing, boys on top of dad...if you're on the ground, you're game...
  • this is a really soft image, but it kind of works here (note to the wise: don't hand hold images at 1/6 of a second if you want them to be sharp!
  • i actually took this photo straight with the horizon straight across, but i like the crop this way & i'm not concerned about a crooked horizon
  • a note from my son: he is not naked in this photo! he's concerned that since he wasn't wearing a shirt & you can't see his shorts, someone will think he's in the buff, but he's now you know

*this image was shot at f3.8, 1/6, iso 100 with an 18-135mm 3.5-5.6 lens at 22mm


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