Monday, March 21, 2011

i'm motivated | nappanee photographer

as the sun tries to pull itself out from under another dreary indiana winter, i find myself motivated to do many things.

my house is unusually clean right now.
i am so thinking spring clean... my walls are yearning to be dust mopped

my hard drive is almost full... again.
there's going to be a lot of sorting, deleting, and then deleting some more.
it must be done!

picture frames, oh... they are calling my name.
i feel a project coming on & it involves spray paint.
i'm just itching to get started.

and... i can safely say the most exciting purchase i made last week was a package of new clothes pins & a clothes pin bag to hang on the line.

i am sooo ready!

being that this is a relatively new year, i'm still trying to figure out my goals, but i think it's all just sort of falling in line.

{well, some of it anyways}

the whole meal planning thing... grrrr!
i was so organized last year, but i've let it slide.
i'm being lazy and it's not flowing very smoothly these days, but i'm about to wrangle it up.

and i'm still searching for a nutritious hot cereal option that #4 can stomach.

recently we tried a new recipe. maybe someone at your house will love it.
it's a rice pudding of sorts.

check out the recipe here.

so, are you motivated?
do you have some goals in the works?
what are your success stories?

i love a good list.
a list of goals is even better.
and achieving those goals... now that's the best.

i love being able to look back & know that there is proof - i've lived some of my life with intention.


Theimperfectheart said...

I have felt like I have been in limbo for the past 6 weeks but spring always wakes me from the gloom. I have several seedlings started and just today planted onions. Can hardly wait to be able to plant more.

Heather said...

I had rice for breakfast this morning .....hope Jon finds something that works for him :) I've ventured into all things gluten free, egg free, dairy free - so, breakfast is interesting! Goals - not very good at making goals. Seems it's one day at a time for me right now. I have decided that it's time to tell myself that I will love the busyness that spring and summer bring and I will choose to enjoy it completely! Looks like you have some great goals in mind :)

Shannan Martin said...

Gorgeous picture!

Also, where have you been, lately? Are you hiding from me?? ;)

alphabet momma said...

Motivation? Goals? Success?

Ask me again in a month or so. My goal is to have motivation to gain success. Success in home schooling, organizing, maintaining a clean house. Success in goal planning and motivation. :) My biggest goal is to have my littlest eating. She can no longer nurse after Sunday. She is a tough cookie who doesn't like food. Or milk. It's been a rough week taking away a feeding a day. We're down to 3-4. But that last one is a doozy.
Looking forward to seeing your picture frames (with pics, of course!). I'm needing to update pics around here!! Maybe I will get to that this spring.

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